ATTiny Programmer
A Board to Help with Programming Chores

As I have continued to develop projects using ATTiny microcontrollers, I found more and more cases where my old perf board layout (still provided below) wasn't quite cutting it. In particular, it didn't allow for easy use with programming clips for soldered down parts or for use with my development ATTiny841 chip. I decided a proper PCB was in order. The features of this programming board include:
- Sockets for Arduino Nano and my development ATTiny841
- ZIF socket for easy programming of through hole parts
- Box headers for 8 and 16 pin cables to allow for programming soldered down parts
- Generic programming header for other chips or dev boards
- Reversible 16 pin clip so that I don't have to worry about which way is which for a 14 pin chip
I have provided the Gerbers and schematic for you here.
One thing you may have noticed thus far is that several of the projects call for an ATTiny-series microcontroller. The tiny's are a great solution for many of the projects because they are small, inexpensive, and can be easily programmed using an Arduino. Because programming the chips is necessary, I whipped together this layout for a board that will allow you to easily pop in an Arduino nano and ATTiny chip and have the connections all made.
On the layout, you will see two IC's. Those are sockets, where the 8 pin version is for ATTiny25/45/85 and the 14 pin is for ATTiny24/44/84. The two series are identical with the exception of more I/O pins, so more complex projects call for the 24/44/84 and simpler ones will use 25/45/85.
The complete BoM for this project consists of:
5x7 cm perf board
2 x 15 pin headers for the Arduino nano (optional)
Arduino nano
8 pin IC socket
14 pin IC socket
10 uF electrolytic capacitor
Hookup wire
Just follow the layout diagram and you will be ready to program your own ATTiny chips in no time!
When using the board, remember to only program one chip at a time. Trying to connect both an 85 and an 84 at the same time will result in problems, so just don't do it! You can see my finished board at the lower right.

ATTiny Programmer Layout